
Swarm Unit Publications

Afzal et al. (2022) Samira Afzal et al. Analysis of web-based iot through heterogeneous networks: Swarm computing over lorawan. Sensors. 22, 2 (2022), 664.

Fedrecheski et al. (2021a) Geovane Fedrecheski et al. A low-overhead approach for self-sovereign identity in iot. arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.10232. (2021).

Fedrecheski et al. (2021b) Geovane Fedrecheski et al. SmartABAC: Enabling constrained iot devices to make complex policy-based access control decisions. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (2021).

Ccori et al. (2020) Pablo César C. Ccori et al. An analysis of the swarmos framework for uav swarms: Usage in mission plan for rural applications. UAV swarm networks. CRC Press. 283–300.

De Biase et al. (2020a) Laisa CC De Biase et al. Surveillance swarm: Gathering resources for finding targets in a distributed global network of smart devices. 2020 ieee international conference on consumer electronics (icce) (2020), 1–2.

Calcina-Ccori et al. (2020) Pablo Calcina-Ccori et al. SwarmGen: A framework for automatic generation of semantic services in an iot network. 2020 ieee international conference on consumer electronics (icce) (2020), 1–5.

Fedrecheski et al. (2020) Geovane Fedrecheski et al. Self-sovereign identity for iot environments: A perspective. 2020 global internet of things summit (giots) (2020), 1–6.

Zuffo et al. (2020) M. Zuffo et al. IoT in brazil: An overview from the edge computing perspective. IERC Cluster Book.

De Biase et al. (2020b) Laisa CC De Biase et al. Collaborative mobile surveillance system for smart cities. 2020 international conference on computational science and computational intelligence (csci) (2020), 1193–1194.

De Biase et al. (2019) Laisa CC De Biase et al. Swarm assistant: An intelligent personal assistant for the swarm. 2019 ieee international conference on consumer electronics (icce) (2019), 1–2.

Calcina-Ccori et al. (2019a) Pablo C. Calcina-Ccori et al. Describing services geolocation in iot context. 2019 ieee international conference on consumer electronics (icce) (2019), 1–2.

Calcina-Ccori et al. (2019b) Pablo C. Calcina-Ccori et al. Location-aware discovery of services in the iot: A swarm approach. 2019 global iot summit (giots) (2019), 1–6.

De Biase et al. (2018) Laisa CC De Biase et al. Swarm minimum broker: An approach to deal with the internet of things heterogeneity. 2018 global internet of things summit (giots) (2018), 1–6.

Fedrecheski et al. (2018) Geovane Fedrecheski et al. Attribute-based access control for the swarm with distributed policy management. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 65, 1 (2018), 90–98.

Calcina-Ccori et al. (2018) Pablo C. Calcina-Ccori et al. Enabling semantic discovery in the swarm. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 65, 1 (2018), 57–63.

De Biase et al. (2017) Laisa CC De Biase et al. The semantic mediation for the swarm: An adaptable and organic solution for the internet of things. 2017 ieee international conference on consumer electronics (icce) (2017), 78–79.

Esquiagola et al. (2017a) John Esquiagola et al. Performance testing of an internet of things platform. IoTBDS (2017), 309–314.

Esquiagola et al. (2017b) John Esquiagola et al. Enabling coap into the swarm: A transparent interception coap-http proxy for the internet of things. 2017 global internet of things summit (giots) (2017), 1–6.

Calcina-Ccori et al. (2017) Pablo Calcina-Ccori et al. Agile servient integration with the swarm: Automatic code generation for nodes in the internet of things. Proceedings of the international conference on future networks and distributed systems (2017), 1–6.

Ccori et al. (2016) Pablo Calcina Ccori et al. Device discovery strategies for the iot. 2016 ieee international symposium on consumer electronics (isce) (2016), 97–98.

Fedrecheski et al. (2016) Geovane Fedrecheski et al. Elixir programming language evaluation for iot. 2016 ieee international symposium on consumer electronics (isce) (2016), 105–106.

Costa et al. (2015a) Laisa CP Costa et al. Swarm os control plane: An architecture proposal for heterogeneous and organic networks. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 61, 4 (2015), 454–462.

Costa et al. (2015b) Laisa Costa et al. Semantic swarm. Proceedings of the second international workshop on the swarm at the edge of the cloud (2015), 34–41.